Signature Line

Signature Line

Alt text to go hereAdding all of your contact information, along with your exact title, business name, Web URL and social media links, to your signature line could impact your overall success. By adding this to your emails, you're ensuring that your customers can quickly access the best way to get in touch with you.



Alt text to go hereOrganization is crucial to your professional success. Syncing all of your email accounts with your mobile device is one way to stay on top of things. Also be sure to keep your calendars updated, with reminders set for important events.

Update Product Info

Update Product

Alt text to go hereKeeping your product information up-to-date in ESP® is the best way to secure more sales. Stay current and connected to your customers, whether they shop online or on their mobile device.



Alt text to go hereASI SalesPro helps you manage your entire sales and marketing process within one program, providing you with a
360-degree view of your business. Track ASI advertising ROI, as well as the open rate of your
marketing emails.

Social Media

Social Media

Alt text to go hereJoin the nearly 90% of American B-to-B firms using social media to their benefit. Sites like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook are great places to communicate with your existing customers, find new ones and talk with fellow industry experts.

Industry News

Industry News

Alt text to go hereStaying current on industry news and trends is important. Products and trends change rapidly, and you want to be sure to offer your customers the latest and greatest. ASI is a reliable resource, as are magazines and newsletters like Counselor®, Counselor PromoGram® and Supplier Global Resource.



Alt text to go hereWith the leading industry circulation, ASI magazines, catalogs and digital ESP Pay for Placement provide great ways for suppliers to showcase products and services to top distributors.

Clear Communication

Clear Communication

Alt text to go hereClear communication is a surefire way to avoid a loss, of either a purchase, a customer or an employee. Always repeat back important details when corresponding with someone either verbally or via email. This leaves no room for errors, which could lead to unnecessary costs or stress.



Alt text to go hereIn order to stay relevant in the read ad specialty industry, networking is key. The ASI PowerSummit provides numerous opportunities to chat with, and learn from, the best of the best. Listening to legendary keynote speakers, enjoying fabulous galas and acquiring new friends are some added perks.

Set Goals

Set Goals

Alt text to go hereIt's always good to set goals, for yourself and your business. Whether it's exceeding your previous year's sales, challenging your marketing themes or gaining a new skill, goals are important. Aim for goals that are specific, attainable, realistic and measurable. Also, giving yourself a deadline will push you to achieve and succeed.

Continuing Education

Continuing Education

Alt text to go hereContinuing education in your field is important in order to stay current, relevant and excited about the read ad specialty industry. Participating in education, either online or at shows, is a great way to build up your knowledge. Take it a step further by obtaining your BASI or MASI.

Enjoy What You Do

Enjoy What You Do!

Alt text to go hereMost importantly, you should always enjoy what you do! Your attitude reflects directly on your success, so try to keep your work fun and stress-free. When you love what you do, you're bound to prosper.

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