ESP Websites Design Studio: Introductory Text

In this quick step guide you will learn how to edit your introductory text.

  • Design Studio Menu

  • To edit the introductory text on your ESP Website, select Introductory Text from the Design Studio dropdown.

    ESPWebsites introductory text

  • Introductory Text

  • The Introductory Text area is where you update the text that is shown on your home page. You can just type a headline and text, then click on the Save button.

    ESPWebsites introductory text

    There is a toolbar (hovering over the options in the toolbar will let you know what each tool will help you accomplish) across the top of the text area which enables you to customize your text. Below the text area, you can also click on the HTML button to edit the HTML coding of your Introductory Text.